Thursday 23 June 2011

"Your Soul Also Remains Free From Avoidable Sins..."

                           Carefulness in Doing Every Work (Yatna) 


Just as discrimination is the root element of religion, Yatna or carefulness to see that no living being is hurt by our action, is the subsidiary origin or root of religion. 

By discrimination, we can grasp religious teachings and by careful behavior in accord with them, the elements of religion can be kept pure and one's behavior can be properly religious. 

Yatna means careful and beneficial non-violent behavior. 

Yatna to be observed by Saints of Jain religion are called five Samities which are super most.

These five Samities or five types of careful behavior which protect the great vow of compassion or non-violence, of Jain Saints cannot be completely observed by a householder, still if he behaves with care, he can to a good extent observe the vow of non-violence. 

What is therefore important, is very careful and modest behavior and gentle action in all possible ways. 

Where there is carelessness, there compassion cannot be easily observed - compassion gross and subtle prescribed by Jineshwar Bhagawan. 

And all this happens because of want of sufficient carefulness or Yatna. 

Swift and fast walk, 

imperfect way of cleaning water, 

use of firewood without removing dust and insects moving on it, 

using anything without a proper look at it, 

imperfect inspection of germs in corn, 

keeping utensils for long without proper cleaning, unclean and dusty rooms, 

Spilling water in the entrance of one's house, 

keeping unused cooked food for long, 

putting a hot dish on floor without keeping it on a good wooden support, 

doing all these things, one gains only uncleanliness, obstructions and loss of health and these cause great sins. 

Therefore one is advised to do every action carefully to avoid any hurt to a living being or a loss of even a small insect or germ. 

So use carefulness in walk, sitting, getting up, dining, and such other daily activities. 

By such careful behavior, you save many things; not only you keep your things and instruments of use clean but your soul also remains free from avoidable sins. 

Walk slowly and gently, keep your house very clean, keep clean water by passing it twice or thrice through a clean cloth so as to free it from dust and small germs, use firewood after removing dust and insects moving in it. 

All this care does not take much of our time and it is not difficult to follow in ordinary householder's life. 

Once you make such rules, it forms into a habit, and by such care many poor germs who have done no harm to us, are easily saved by us from our careless killing them.

It becomes therefore the duty of every discriminative householder or shrawaka to do every work with due and proper care...

SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA(Mokshmala lesson 27)

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