Wednesday 15 June 2011

"Liberation Cannot Be Secured In Any Other Living Body..."

                                   Human Body (Manava Deha)  

Shrimadji said..."You might have heard that learned persons say that our human body is the best of all other living bodies, but you may not be knowing the reason for their saying so and so I tell it to you.

This worldly life is replete with miseries and so the enlightened persons plan to overcome it. 

Realizing liberation, they enjoy eternal happiness and such liberation cannot be secured in any other living body. 

Neither in divine state nor in other animal birth nor in hell can one get soul liberation. 

It is possible only in human birth and so human body is regarded as best of all living bodies.

Then you would ask why do all human beings not obtain liberation? 

And here is my reply. 

Those who understand humanity in real sense get over the miseries of worldly life. 

Men in whom discriminative intelligence has dawned are really called human by learned persons. 

It is with the help of this discriminative intelligence men distinguish between truth and untruth, adopt truthful religion, recognize highest truth and observe noble good conduct as a result of which they secure incomparable liberation. 

Learned persons do not call a man by the appearance of his human form but call him so, only when they find discriminative intelligence in him. 

We need not say that one who possesses two hands, two legs, two eyes, two ears, one mouth, two lips and one nose is a human being. 

If that is so, then even a monkey possessing all these parts of its body in common with those of human body, can also be called a human being. 

Besides a monkey in addition possesses a long tail also. 

Then should we call a monkey a superman? 

No, one who understands humanity can only be called a man or a human being.

Learned persons say that birth in human body is very rare to achieve; it is possible only as a result of performance of many meritorious deeds by a soul. 

So when we get human birth we should swiftly use it for benefiting our soul. 

Even small children like Ayamantkumar, Gajasukumar obtained liberation by right understanding of humanity. 

This additional power that man possesses, helps him even to control animals such as intoxicated elephants. 

If by the same power they can control the elephant in the form of their mind, what an immense benefit they can secure?

In no other living body completely right discriminative power can grow or manifest and so in such other births one cannot enter the royal road of liberation. 

Therefore it is necessary to make full use of our human birth to secure liberation or self-realization. 

Some foolish people waste this rarely obtained human birth in bad conduct, ignorance, sense-life and in intoxications and prides of many kinds and lose their life in vain and as a result they lose the invaluable opportunity (precious jewel) to work for the real benefit of their soul. 

Such persons are in name human but really monkeys.

We are unable to know for certain the exact moment of our death. 

Therefore one should quickly pay attention to a good religious life by all possible means..." Shrimad Rajchandraji  (Mokshmala Lesson 4) 

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