Saturday 18 June 2011

"One Who Burns All The Roots Of Karmas..."

                              Truly Divine Soul (Satdeva Tattva)


'Three fundamental reals we should necessarily know. 

As long as there is ignorance about them, soul's benefit cannot be secured. 

These three fundamental reals are 

True divine Person, 

True divine Religion and 

True divine Teacher or Preceptor. 

I tell you about the first real namely the True divine person.

A True divine person (Satdeva) is 

one who has achieved absolute knowledge and absolute perception, 

one who has burnt the heap of his all good and bad Karmas by highest penance and steadfast meditation; 

one who has achieved Shukla Dhyan or pure meditation shining more bright than the white moon and white conch. 

One though he be a sovereign ruler of the whole world or such a ruler's son or a prince, knowing the world as totally the cause of infinite sorrow, renounces it for a better life; 

one who destroys three kinds of torments or tortures to the soul namely 

Aadhi =(Mental calamities) 

Vyadhi =(Physical diseases) and 

Upadhi (Worldly troubles) with the help of absolute compassion, peace, forgiveness, non-attachment and spiritual soul power; 

one who moves in his self - pure nature burning four principle Karmas as obstructing pure knowledge, clear vision or perception or insight and noble character and burns other hindrances to highly spiritual development; 

one who burns all the roots of Karmas, 

one who pursues noble life till some of his past Karmas have been either mallowed down or burnt completely and who abandons all Karmas springing from infatuation or false attraction and 

who avoids sleep and keeps himself constantly engaged in burning the roots of all his Karmas, 

one who preaches with his purified speech like a natural flow of rain water to other worldly heated persons for securing them highest peace with a total spirit of non - attachment, 

one in whom one cannot find even in dream the least element about worldly enjoyment of sense life; 

one who does not start advising others about self realization till he has achieved absolute Knowledge, this means that he keeps mum till his own real aim is fulfilled. 

He is free from five kinds of obstructions, laughter, affection, hatred or aversion, fear, disliking, sorrow, misunderstanding (Mithyatva), ignorance, non-remonstrance (Apratyakhyan), attachment, avarice, sleep and sex-desire. 

In short he is free from all eighteen kinds of vices, and he is poised in his self nature enjoying infinite truth, consciousness and bliss and in him very elevating twelve virtuous qualities shine forth; 

he is one for whom, birth, death and worldly life have totally vanished. 

One who possesses all above described qualities, is recognised by Bhagawan Mahavir as a truly divine person. 

Since such a person has realized his pure self-free from all faults or shortcomings, he is called the most venerable Lord. 

A person who still has one of the eighteen vices does not become a true Divine person. 

This highest truth can still be further understood by excellent aphorisms preached by Bhagawan Mahavir."

Shrimad Rajchandra  (Mokshmala Lesson 8.) 

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