Monday 20 June 2011

"Life of a Best Householder..."

                             Best Householder (Uttam Gruhastha) 

Shrimadji said...

"Even while dwelling in his worldly householder's life the best Shrawaka (who has contacted best teachers, hears their teaching carefully, is discriminative and modest) is successfully under going spiritual discipline; his order of a householder becomes praiseworthy.

Such best householder performs 

Samayika = to take a vow Of equanimous behavior; 

Kshamapana = to beg pardon before Shri Bhagawan Mahavir for any of his fault or faults; 

Chovihar Pratyakhyan, a vow not to take four types of food at night; 

Yam = to practice restraints and follow injunctions of good behavior for the whole of his life and 

Niyam = observes some vows for a specific period of time.

He views other women just like his mother or sister according to the age of the woman seen.

He gives as per his capacity money and food in charity to the right persons who have grasped the truth - they are called Satpatra or rightly deserving persons.

He speaks Peacefully sweet and soft language.

He always thinks of right religious scriptures.

As far as possible he does not resort to falsehood, deceit etc., to earn his livelihood in business or other avocation.

He gives due respect to his parents, his wife, his sons, Muni or Monk and preceptor.

He gives religious discourses to his parents.

He takes due care in keeping his house clean, in cooking purpose, in arranging food materials, in sleeping accommodations etc...

He behaves intellectually and teaches his wife and children lessons of modesty and humility by his own modest and humble behavior He makes them religious minded.

He increases unity in his whole family.

He welcomes a guest with due honor and respect.

He never sends away the beggar at his door without giving him food to satisfy hunger.

He always keeps himself in contact with right religious persons or men of noble thoughts and deeds and he always approaches them with a view to learn from them lessons of noble behavior.

He always behaves within the limits of his stature in life and feels contented with what is with him.

He always keeps to his capacity a library of good religious works.

He maintains or runs his family life with minimum needs and with due care, keeps away from hurting any living being.

Such life of a best householder Shrawaka leads him to his best spiritual development and this is what is said by the all-knowing best men...." 

Shrimad Rajchandra. (Mokshmala Lesson 12.) 

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