Tuesday 28 June 2011

"A Deserving State Of Soul To Shine..."

                                       Good Words on Celibacy 

Shrimadji said... 

1) Those who do not have a bit of sexual desire in their mind even while looking at a very young woman but consider her form as a wooden idol are praised in this world as Godlike persons.

2) Woman is the main leading person on the stage of whole worldly life. If she is abandoned everything of worldly life is abandoned as this world full of sorrows and sufferings grows from a woman only.

3) By being victorious over this sexual desire one can be victorious over calamities of this whole world just as by being victorious over a King, one becomes victorious over his whole army, towns and power.

4) Even by a small sprout of sexual desire one's mind is turned away from self knowledge and self-meditation just as even a little quantity of liquor when drunk makes a man intoxicated and indiscriminative.

5) For one who with nine perfect protections observes pure celibacy yielding true happiness there will remain only few births. O Brother! This is the fundamental saying of great persons.

6) Celibacy is just like an excellent Surataru (Kalpavriksha) offering desired happiness. So one who observes celibacy in thought, word and deed gets unmatchable happiness, may be a man or a woman.

7) As milk of lioness needs a deserving vessel of Gold to preserve so needs self realization a deserving state of soul to shine. O wise man ! For achieving a deserving state of the soul, always observe pure celibacy... 

SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA(Mokshmala lesson 34)

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