Friday 17 June 2011

"HE Can Put Us In His True Religious Boat..."

                Truly Religious Teacher -- Part II (Sadguru Tattva Part II)

Father - O son! Teachers are of three kinds - 

(1) Teacher - wood type 

(2) Teacher - paper type 

(3) Teacher - stone type. 

Of these three kinds, the first wood type teachers are the best ones, as they only help us to cross the ocean of worldly life quite successfully. 

Just as a piece of wood swims in the ocean and also helps one who sits on it to cross the ocean water successfully.

The Second paper type teachers are of ordinary type. 

They are moderate between the first and the third types mentioned above. 

Paper type teachers cannot successfully cross the ocean of worldly life nor can they help others depending on them. 

They can only show the way and thereby they can help the pupil to acquire some good meritorious deeds.

The third type of teachers namely stone type are such that they drown in the ocean along with those taking their help. 

The first type namely wood type teachers are available only in the administration of the world by Jineshwar Bhagawan. 

The second and third types of teachers are working for increase in the coverings of Karmas which keep the soul away from knowing its real good. 

We all need the best of things and such things can be available in properly the best places. 

If we select a best religious teacher he can put us in his true religious boat and along with him we also can successfully swim the ocean of worldly life. 

We cannot understand without the help of a best religious teacher, fine philosophical distinctions, fine distinctions of different selves, clear understanding of Loka Lok = this world and many other worlds and the nature of this worldly life with all its intricacies. 

Hearing this you may be prompted to ask me as to what are the specific characteristics of such a wood type teacher?

Then I tell you the same: - 

The wood type teacher will well know the precept given by Jineshwar Bhagawan; 

and he would follow it in his behavior fully well; and he would also advise others to follow it; 

he would have completely renounced riches and sexual life, 

he would live on innocent food and water; 

he would suffer patiently twenty-two types of torments; 

he would be full of forgiveness or sympathy or compassion; 

he would control his desires and he would keep away from all actions arising from desires and he would be thoroughly self-controlled and may be a master of all his sense powers; 

he might always be engrossed in the knowledge of all fundamental reals; 

he might be maintaining his bodily life purely for religious purposes; 

he will never be shy or coward in scrupulously following the religious path prescribed by Nirgrantha Bhagawan Mahavir, 

he would never touch or take even a blade of grass not given to him; 

he must have abandoned all sorts of dinners during night; 

he would be equanimous in his behavior and he would preach truth without any feeling of attachment. 

In short such are the merits of a wood-type religious Teacher. 

O Son! You can find in Jain Religious Scriptures the details of a true teacher's character and his knowledge acquisitions quite properly and with due considerations. 

As you grow thinking more about this in future, I shall gradually teach you further truths.

Son - O Father! You have told me in brief very useful and about beneficial truths. 

I shall always think and reflect more and more about them. 

Shrimad Rajchandra  (Mokshmala Lesson 11.) 

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