Tuesday 5 July 2011

"Worldly Life Show Truth As Untruth..."


                                  Four Analogies to Worldly Life 

Shrimadji said...

1. Great philosophers compare worldly life with a sea. 

The sea of worldly life is unending and unfathomable. 

O people! Employ your best effort for crossing this sea of worldly life successfully! Make the best effort for it! 

These are the repeated words of philosophers at various places. 

This analogy is quite adequate too. 

Just as in a sea, many waves arise, similarly waves of sex and other sense desires arise in a man's mind in worldly life, Just as the sea surface is plain on top, so also this worldly life looks quite simple and easy apparently; just as a sea is very deep at some places this sea of Samsara or worldly life is full of turning a man round and round, leading him to his downfall in a feat of illusion or hallucination or infatuation or intoxication. 

By standing near a seashore in its shallow waters, sometimes we deep our legs in mud, so this sea of worldly life deeps us in the mud of strong desires for worldly enjoyments even in very small incidents. 

Just as a sea when stormy, drowns a boat or a big ship, so this worldly life leads a soul to drown by storms in the forms of contact of women and strong desire for sex enjoyments. 

As a sea looking quiet and cool by unfathomable water contains fire in it called Wadavanala = fabulous sub-marine fire, similarly in worldly life Maya or misunderstanding always burns ablaze. 

As in monsoon a sea becomes very deep by rain water, so the sea of Samsara or worldly life by sinful acts of a person leads him to deep down to his downfall and firms up its foundations for keeping a soul always bound and miserable.

2. Second fitting analogy of worldly life is that of fire. 

Just as fire produces or emits burning heat, so the soul is given many torments, sorrows, miseries and many sufferings by worldly life. 

Just as a person cries tearfully when burned by fire, so a person cries tearfully to get out of worldly life when burnt by hellish unendurable unlimited troubles and torments given by worldly life. 

Just as fire destroys all that is poured in it so worldly life destroys all souls that are led away by it. 

As fire grows by whatever combustible substance like Ghee or firewood is put in it, so this worldly life grows by Ghee in the form of allurements and firewood in the form of attachment to sense objects.

3. The third fitting analogy to worldly life is that of darkness. 

Just as a string gives us in darkness an impression of a serpent, so does worldly life show truth as untruth. 

As in darkness, living beings meet with striking wrong objects and get pained, so many souls wander unconsciously or without a knowledge of their true nature of a soul or self, in the four states or births of a living being. 

As in darkness, glass and diamond are felt alike and none is correctly known, so in the darkness of worldly life, one does not have the knowledge of what is proper and what is improper from the point of view of soul's real nature. 

As in darkness, animals and men with eyes working, behave as if they are blind, so in worldly life even people knowing souls get infatuated as if they are blind. 

As in darkness the trouble of owls and other dangerous animals is on the increase, so in worldly life, greed, misunderstanding (Maya = illusion) etc. are on the increase. 

Looking thus from many points of view, worldly life is really like darkness.

4. The fourth analogy to worldly life is that of a wheel of a cart. 

As while moving ahead, it is moving itself round and round, so this worldly life keeps on going moving itself round and round, like the wheel of a moving cart. 

As the cart wheel cannot move without its axle, so this worldly life cannot move without its axle of unreality or Mithyatva or illusoriness. 

As the wheel is supported by its spokes, so this worldly life sustains itself on doubt and carelessness for reality and infatuation or Pramad. 

Thus in many ways worldly life can be rightly compared with the wheel of a moving cart.

Whatever low analogies can fittingly be given to worldly life are less than it deserves. 

We knew these four analogies. 

Now we should derive a lesson from them.  

1.Just as one can cross an ocean with the help of a Strong boat and an expert boatman knowing the nature of the sea and trend of its water currents, so with the help of true religion and a set realized preceptor or a saintly Guru or Master, this ocean of worldly life can be successfully crossed by the spiritual aspirant for liberation. 

Just as wise navigators have found out a safe way of crossing a deep ocean, so has Jineshwar Bhagawan shown the way of best philosophy which will safely save one from worldly life.  

2.As fire consumes everything it gets but by water it extinguishes, so by the water in the form of total non-attachment the fire of worldly life can be totally extinguished. 

3.As one can see his way in darkness with a lighted lamp, so with the lamp of philosophy, the darkness of worldly life can be totally dispelled and the truth of the self can be seen. 

4.Just as a cart cannot move without an ox or a pair of oxen, so the wheel of worldly life cannot move without the help of attachment and hatred. 

Thus like a good physician, proper diagnosis of the disease of worldly life is shown above, with it analogically the right medicine along with necessary instructions to follow for successful cure are also mentioned above, and one who wants liberation of his soul is advised to constantly keep this in mind and he should advise others also to do the same.

Shrimad Rajchandra (Mokshmala lesson 19/20)

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