Saturday 2 July 2011

"One Who Preserves All Of Them Attains Infinite Happiness..."

                        Thirty Two Spiritual Disciplines (Batris Yoga) 

Shrimadji said....

Great saints advise attainment of following thirty-two disciplines for enlightenment of our Self.

1. To give knowledge of the scriptures to our disciple so as to make him or train him like us.

2. Whatever knowledge we have as a Preceptor, we should teach it to others and enlighten them with the same.

3. One should not abandon his fixed religious discipline even in times of great trouble or difficulty.

4. Practice penance without any desire for worldly happiness here or in future births.

5. Whatever lessons we have received from our great preceptors we should carefully keep them in our mind and behave accordingly and we should accept new lessons discriminatively.

6. We should abandon the sense of mine and thine.

7. We should perform secret penance.

8. We should maintain greedlessness.

9. We should conquer all afflictions and sufferings.

10. We should keep our mind simple and ready to receive good beneficial spiritual lessons from highly non-attached great souls.

11. We should practice Pure self-control.

12. We should keep pure, our right understanding of the natures of Self and not-Self.

13. Keep your mind in a concentration with healthy self-attitude of liberation.

14. Follow religious discipline without any deceit.

15. Give due respect to deserving persons.

16. Shorten the limit of desires by means of contentment.

17. Merger yourself always in an atmosphere of total non-attachment.

18. Behave without any illusion or attachment.

19. Be attentive in Pure good activity.

20 Observe Samvara or close all doors from which, sinful karmas may enter your soul, and thereby stop the in rush of sin into your soul.

21. Try to get rid of your faults with equanimous mind.

22. Keep yourself unattached from sense-pleasures of all kinds.

23. Observe five great vows as flawlessly in original form.

24. Observe five great vows as flawlessly with all classes.

25. Perform Kayotsarga enthusiastically.

26. Engage yourself in acquiring self- knowledge and self-meditation with a concentrated mind without any Pramad-care-less or idleness or sloth.

27. Always be minutely inspecting in your Self-conduct.

28. Perform meditation with single mindedness for all sense-control.

29. Never be afraid of any misery that may result even in your death.

30. Always avoid contact with women.

31. Engage yourself in purifying yourself by repentance.

32. Propitiate Nirgrantha Bhagawan Mahavir at the time of death.

Each one of these thirty-two disciplines is very invaluable. 

One who preserves all of them attains infinite happiness.

Shrimad Rajchandra (Mokshmala lesson 72)

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