Wednesday 6 July 2011

"Even Hurting a Small Petal Of Flower Is Also Sinful..."

                                 Protection of All Living Beings 

Shrimadji said..."No religion is comparable to Daya (Compassion) 

Compassion is the very body of a religion. 

Where there is no compassion, there is no religion at all. 

There are such harmful religions in the world who say that there is no sin to kill a living being; at the most protect human life. 

Followers of such religious views are fanatical and blinded by their pride and they do not know even an iota of compassion. 

If they minutely think, setting aside their religious pride, they can easily realize that even killing a small germ is greatly sinful. 

As one loves one's soul or self, similarly every living being loves its own soul or self. 

Such followers should ask themselves as to how much unlimited harm they are creating to their own soul by fearlessly and carelessly killing innumerable animals and germs only for a slight gain or a mere habit? 

Not having any root of intelligence in them, they are not able to think this way at all, really they have trained themselves as incapable of such a line of thinking as to what is real compassion and they remain steeped in incurring more and more violence or life killing and hurting.

In Vedas and other books written by great preceptors of Vaishnavism, we do not find any thought about subtle compassion, still they, the followers of Vedas and Vaishnavas are much better than those not understanding at all the nature of real compassion. 

These Vedic followers and Vaishnavas have much thought of saving and protecting animals and birds and even beasts. 

But as compared with these people, we the followers of Bhagawan Mahavir are much more fortunate to learn real essence of religion that even hurting a small petal of flower is also sinful and as such we are quite free from performing all sacrifices involving killing or hurting any living being. 

We try our best to save all lives. 

We do not intentionally harm or like to injure or to take life of any living being. 

We are free from eating prohibited foods; 

we are totally vegetarians.

In our time the observance of compassion or non-violence in thought, word and deed has much been followed by us because of the strength of Yogic acquisition of Bhagawan Mahavir, the son of a great King Siddhartha. 

His noble behavior and spotlessly clean pure and perfect non-violent living has supported the Jain religion and its followers leading to the maximum good of all living beings. 

Men may gain excellent acquisitions, beautiful wives, obedient sons following the wishes of their parents, gain large families, gain honour and fame and positions of high authority and to gain any or all of them is not very difficult but to understand what is true religion and to have indomitable faith in it even to a small extent, is very very difficult.

Those getting acquisitions listed above, by indiscrimination, incur many sins and invite great trouble and tortures for themselves and for others around them, while a little faithful feeling of Jain religion elevates the follower to a very high state of his soul or self. 

Thus compassion followed, leads the follower to a very blissful state. 

Since we have been born in the family of followers of Jain Religion, we should lead a pure compassionate life and we should constantly remember that we have to protect all living beings with the best of our efforts not only this but we should advise others also by all intelligent ways to follow this universally acceptable and beneficial compassion. 

How fortunate we should consider ourselves if we get an opportunity to teach logically essentials of our Jain Religion to Anaryas or foreigners who are not following compassion from all points of view..." 

Shrimad Rajchandra (Mokshmala lesson 29)

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