Friday 1 July 2011

"Nothing About Me Is Unknown To You..."

                               Kshamapana (Seeking Forgiveness)  

Oh God ! I am much mistakened 

I did not bear in mind your invaluable teachings. 

I did not reflect on incomparable truths told by you. 

I did not adopt the best form of character and conduct prescribed by you. 

I did not recognize or follow well compassion, peace, forgiveness, and purity preached by you. 

Oh God ! I forgot, wandered aimlessly, rambled here and there and I am caught in the snare of interminable worldly life. 

I am sinful, intoxicated or puffed up with pride and my soul is defiled with dust of my Karmas. 

O Highest Soul ! I do not see my liberation without following the truths you have told. 

I am always engrossed in the machinations of worldly life, I have been blinded by ignorance, I have no discriminative power and so I am a blockhead or foolish. 

I have no support or protection, and I am an orphan. 

O non-attached highest Soul! I now seek support of You, Your religion and Your monks. 

I have strong desire to destroy my sins and faults and to be totally free from them. 

I now sincerely repent for all sins committed by me in my past. 

As I dive deep in fine spiritual thinking, the wonders of your truths enkindle my true nature. 

You are non - attached, free from all aberrations, pure truth, consciousness and bliss, naturally joyful, infinitely all knowing, all seeing and the enlightener of all three worlds. 

I simply beg pardon in your witness, for my spiritual benefit. 

Let it be my strong wish and inclination that I may never question or raise my doubt about the truths preached by you; that I may always remain on the path indicated by you! 

O All knowing God! What more can I say ? 

Nothing about me is unknown to you. 

I only seek pardon for all sins resulting from my deeds or Karmas in a spirit of repentance. 

Aum Peace, Peace, Peace. 

Shrimad Rajchandra (mokshmala lesson 56)

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