Monday 4 July 2011

"Non - Attachment Is The Real Form Of True Religion..."


Shrimadji said...

"If a cloth is stained with blood, it cannot be cleaned by blood; on the contrary it will be more stained. 

It is possible to clean the stains if washed in water. 

Use this example for cleaning a soul. 

A soul has been defiled from times immemorial by the blood of worldly life and in every cell of the soul this stain is spread. 

Now if we wish to remove this defilement or impurity by worldly enjoyments and entanglements it can not be removed. 

Stains of blood cannot be removed by blood so it is certain that impurity of soul cannot be removed by worldly enjoyments. 

There are many religious paths known in the world and about them one should first certainly decide that impartially looking, any religion wherein enjoyment of women is advised or advocated, or acquisition of wealth is advised, or wherein all sense pleasures, colourful enjoyments, types of singing, dancing and bodily happiness and ease are favoured or encouraged it cannot bring to us the real peace of our soul. 

Because if such things are called religious, then the whole worldly life is full of such worldly matters and so it should be called thoroughly religious. 

Every householder's residence is replete with all worldly enjoyments - children, wife, sense-pleasures, music, dance, amorous life etc., are in full swing in these houses and to call such house as a religious temple is to say that there is nothing like irreligion at all. 

And what is then wrong in our normal behaviour in worldly life ? 

Suppose someone says that we cannot pray to God in our house and for such prayer only religious temple is a fit place, to him we can only regretfully reply that he does not know the truth of the highest self Paramatma and pure devotion to it in a spirit of non-attachment. 

Whatever else may be said, leave it there and let us turn to our fundamental point. 

Philosophically looking, this soul moves in worldly life quite defiled by sense enjoyments and miseries resulting from them. 

This defilement can only be removed by pure water of non - attachment. 

The unfettered or released preceptor cleans our defiled cloth of our soul, using the truths preached by Arhat Bhagawan Mahavir as his soap, mixes it with pure water of non-attachment on the stone of noble conduct and character. 

For this work non-attachment is absolutely essential and without it nothing else can be of any effective use. 

Therefore non-attachment can really be said to be the real nature of religion. 

As the religious truth preached by Arhat Bhagawan strongly advocates non-attachment, we should accept that non - attachment is the real form of true religion.

Shrimad Rajchandra. (Mokshmala lesson 57)

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