Tuesday 15 March 2011

"The Soul Is Free And Pure... Enlightened And Immortal..."

"Shrimadji advises people to think of the Self, not to repent for the life already led but to make the best of the life yet to come. A man should repent for his immoral acts and should determine to be thoroughly moral in his future dealings.

A person should allot his time of the day in the following manner: 

3 hours to devotion, 
3 hours to doing religious rites, 
3 hours to food and bodily nourishment, 
3 hours to education and learning, 
6 hours to sleep and 
6 hours to take care of his family and social life, if he is a householder. 

One who has renounced the world should be absorbed in thoughts of Self-realization and should control his mind from passions and prejudices.

The only path to Self-realization or soul's liberation consists in realizing the Self as completely different from the body and the worldly attachments. 

The soul is free and pure, enlightened and immortal.

Man should keep his eye on death and utilize every moment of life in realizing his goal of liberation. 

One may be a prince or a pauper, but all should know for certain that they are guests of death.

The adoption of the path of non-violence in thought, word and deed; 

the intense desire for Self-liberation and for acquisition of right knowledge and experience for the same; 
the searching out of an Enlightened Guru and the undaunted obedience to HIS advice; 
Self-control in food, talk and other behavior; 
keeping clear of all sins; 
purity all around; 
observing honesty and justice in worldly life; 
curtailment of worldly activities in order to lead a really happy and Self-meditative life; 
keeping in mind the principles of health, purity, magnanimity and duty; keeping company of the good and wise as a powerful method of maintaining purity of mind and body - 
are some of the invaluable advice given by Shrimad Rajchandraji to men, women, and children in all walks of life, the advice which all should think over before their daily round of duties.

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