Wednesday 16 March 2011

"There Is Definite Path For Liberation..."

The vast literature that He wrote during a short lifespan of 33 years gives us an insight into the high internal state of Shrimad Rajchandraji’s Soul. 

Unfortunately, several of His childhood writings are not available with us today, but at the same time it is also important to remember that even a single word (Vachan) of a ‘Gyani” - Self-realised Soul, if grasped and implemented as advised, is adequate to lead one on the path of Emancipation!

“BHAVNA BODH” written at the age of 16 is a basic fundamental narrative of the 12 conceptual thoughts (viz. Anitya bhaavna, Ekatva bhaavna, Sansaar bhaavna, Anyatva bhaavna, etc.), which are necessary to understand for aspirants who are in search of TRUTH!

“MOKSHMALA”, a unique text of 108 golden lessons is a complete scripture in itself, covering all dimensions of Gyan and is truly a source for relief from all confusions and doubts with respect to true religion and true path!

"SHRI AATMA-SIDDHI SHASTRA", the ultimate gem of a work, written at the age of 28, explains the gist of ‘Aatma Dharma’ and the fundamentals of all the six tenets (DARSHAN) of Indian philosophy in a poetic composition. Through a beautifully & simply crafted Question and Answer exchange between the Guru and Disciple on the Six tenets viz “Aatman (Self) Exists, Aatman (Self) is Eternal, Aatman (Self) is the Doer, Aatman (Self) is the Sufferer, Aatman (Self) can attain Liberation, There is definite path for Liberation”;

He has synchronized all the philosophies prevalent in the world and clarified as to how the philosphy of “Aatman” (Self) is the only complete (entire) Philosophy! Understanding the rendition of this masterpiece is like drinking divine nectar. The fundamentals (Six tenets) of this masterpiece, was originally written as a letter by Shrimad Rajchandraji to His very close disciple, Shri Sobhagyabhai. At the request of Shri Sobhagyabhai (who was then bed-ridden),

Shrimad Rajchandraji composed this masterpiece (142 couplets) in mere 90 minutes. This divine evergreen rendition of 142 verses is the ultimate piece of literature for the Devotional path of Self-Realisation! – Beginning with a bow to the Guide (Live Experienced Soul!) and ending with a bow to the Guide (Live Experienced Soul!), the composition beautifully captures all aspects such as Characteristics of ‘Aatmarthi’ (Soul-Searcher), ‘Mataarthi’ (so called Religious people), Equation between ‘Guru and Disciple’ and how Devotion is an effortless path for permanent Peace to put an end to the unending cycle of birth and death. "Aatma-Siddhi" is a divine, invaluable gift presented to this world and it is our duty to also thank Shri Sobhagyabhai for his inspirational contribution!

"APURVA AVSAR" written at the age of 30 years is another amazing and ultimate piece of literature in the form of 21 beautiful 4-line stanzas, pointing towards the stage of ‘Sarvagnya’ (All-Knower) and ‘’Sarvavyapi’ (Omnipresent) prevalent during the last 48 minutes before Liberation! A stage which cannot be understood by oneself but achievable through ‘Pratyaksha Guru’ (Living Self-Realised Soul)! Each stanza provides a different & step-by-step dimension as to how the ‘Happiness of “Aatma” (Self)’ is beyond the scope of any Matter, Time, Feelings, Place, Body, Senses, Words, etc. and the ‘Aatman’ (Self) is nothing else but EXPERIENCE! “Apurva Avsar” subtly generates a desire to THINK what Emancipation & Liberation is all about!

Thanks to his eminent disciple, Pujya Shree Prabhushree, all of Shrimad Rajchandraji’s compositions & writings, chiefly His Letters (Replies) to all those who sought guidance, solutions and advice from Him is all captured in the Scripture titled "Vachnamrut". Like Tirthankaras (Emancipated Souls) His words have the power of truth. 

A collection of over 900 letters, written to different individuals during the age group of 11 to 33, leave no question unanswered provided read and grasped at right time under the guidance of a Living Self-Realised Soul. Amazingly every letter is equivalent to a scripture! Each letter and every word of every single letter directs one to nothing else but Self-realization through karma-cancellation. Therefore even if we rightly abide by any one Letter throughout our lifetime, it is sufficient to lead to salvation.

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