Friday 18 March 2011

"I have drunk to my heart's content the nectar of religion..."


Gandhiji regarded Shrimadji as his friend, philosopher and guide. 

He acknowledges the debt he owes to SHRIMADJI in his recollections of his friendship with Shrimadji. From 1891 to 1901 A. D. for a period of ten years they were best friends.

Gandhiji says that most of his lessons for self-improvement and on truth and non-violence, he has learnt from Shri Raichandbhai. 

Raichandbhai is one of the three personalities that have much impressed his mind, the other two being the writings of Tolstoy and Ruskin's `Unto this last'.

To love the murderer is one of the maxims of non-violence and Gandhiji had well learnt it from Shrimadji, who was full of sympathy, forgiveness and piety for all living beings.

Gandhiji says: "I have drunk to my heart's content the nectar of religion that was offered to me by Shri Raichandbhai. 

Raichandbhai hated the spread of irreligion in the name of religion and He condemned lies, hypocrisy and such other vices which were getting a free hand in his time. 

He considered the whole world as his relative and his sympathy extended to all living beings of all ages.

Shrimadji was an embodiment of non-attachment and renunciation. 

He has written only that which he has experienced. 

He has never allowed his poetic imagination to get ahead of truth and experience. 

There is therefore no artificiality in His writings. 

They come from the heart and appeal to the very heart of the reader. 

He used to keep diary and a pen with him in all his daily routine and He immediately wrote down important thoughts that occurred to Him. 

I never remember any occasion when Shri Raichandbhai got lost or infatuated in any worldly matter."

1 comment:

  1. gandhiji visiting rajkot smashan to pay homage to SHRI PARAM KRUPALUDEV...
