Sunday 21 August 2011

"Sense Of Self-Importance And Of Pride..."

In the course of his conversation with Shrimadji, Muni Shri Lalluji once mentioned how he had renounced a well-supported family life, affluence, an aged mother, two wives, one son, and a number of other things in accepting diksha,(initiation as a monk) and entering the holy order.

At this, Shrimadji immediately spoke out in sharp tone so as to put down all sense of self-importance and of pride on the part of Muni Shri Lalluji, 'What is it you have renounced, after all? How many more women have you eyed with lust after having renounced those two women of yours? To how many children have you become attached after having renounced that one son of yours?'

On hearing these words, Shri Lalluji was so ashamed of his faults exposed so fully, that he almost wished he could go and hide his face in some deep dark recess of the earth.

Being stirred to such a profound sense of humility, he said, 'No, I cannot claim to have renounced anything. I am not a tyagi, in the true sense.'

At that very moment Shrimadji said, 'Now indeed you are a true renouncer, a tyagi.'

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