Monday 8 August 2011

"Even One Who Is a Householder Could Be Called a Monk..."

Shri Devakaranji, a disciple of Shri Laluji Muni, was a very effective preacher; Who offered excellent discourses. He once visited Shrimadji.

During the course of their conversation, Shrimadji asked Muni Shri Devakaranji, 'How many people come to listen to your discourses? Devakaranji replied, 'About a thousand'.

Shrimadji asked, 'Does the sight of women among the audience cause any feelings of passions or vikar in you?

Devakaranji said, 'Not in physical sense, but mentally yes'.

Shrimadji, thereupon said, one who is a muni and monk, should be on his guard against activities of all three kinds, mental, verbal, and physical.

At this, Devakaranji retorted, 'Well, when you are at your business counter, comfortably seated on the rosy seat, you have all those gems and precious stones lying in front of you. Does that not perturb you?'

Shrimadji replied. 'Muni, we see them as deadly poison.'

Shrimadji then asked, 'What is your essential self? Who are you?'

Devakaranji replied, 'We are monks so long as we are in a steady state of mind.'

Shrimadji queried, 'By the same logic, even one who is a householder could be called a monk, couldn't he?'

Devakaranji remained silent at this.

Shrimadji said, 'We remain unaffected, like the kernal of the hard shell inside the coconut.'

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