Thursday 4 August 2011

"One Who Was Always Lost In Contemplation..."

One one occasion, Shrimadji and Gandhiji sat talking about matters relating to true religiosity and non-violence, among other things, in mumbai.

The topic of their conversation was the use of leather in daily life, whether it is permissible or not.

The two finally came to the conclusion that you could by no means do without the use of leather in life since you could not completely dispense with it. Agricultural activities, for instance, have to be carried on. At the same time, one could resolve not to use a cap or any other article made of leather.

At this point in their conversation, Gandhiji asked Shrimadji to check the material used for lining the cap Shrimadji was wearing.

Now Shrimadji was one who was always lost in contemplation, and he had little time to give thought to details such as the dress he wore, or what he wrapped around himself.

He had never noted that the cap, he had on his head, actually involved the use of leather.

He immediately removed the piece of leather from the cap the moment Gandhiji pointed it to him.

Narrating this incident, Gandhiji observed, 'I do not feel in the least that my argument was so absolutely sound that it immediately went home.

Actually He (Shrimadji) just did not argue on the matter at all.

He could see that my intention was unquestionably good, that I held him in high regard without doubt. 

So, he thought, why waste time, arguing the point? He simply removed the piece of leather'.

This indeed is the mark of a great Soul, a Mahapurusha. It shows how such a Soul is seldom led by false pride.

He is willing to learn a lesson even from a child. Truly great souls do not emphasise difference of opinion over small matters.

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