Monday 16 May 2011

"All This Was Possible By The Infinite Powers Of The Soul..."

 The knowledge of past lives proves the height of spirituality Shrimadji had already reached in His previous lives. 

From His early childhood modesty, perfection in speech and conversation, exceptional reasoning power and a sharp spirit of non-attachment or disinterestedness and such other qualities made Him a pet student of His school as well as of His village. 

He possessed a sharp and unfailing memory, unusually powerful retentiveness and faculty of recollection. 

He grasped all that He read or heard only once.

He entered the school at His age of seven and a half years. 

In about a month after His joining the school He completely mastered the preliminaries in calculation and within two years He finished the study of seven standards.

The monitor of His class, who had initiated Him in the study of the first standard book, had to take His help in completing the book. 

On account of His exceptional performance in study He became the favorite of His teachers and normally He conducted the classes while His teachers used to witness with admiration the work of this gifted Soul. 

All His colleagues loved him.

Once His teacher scolded Him and the next day He did not go to the school. Thereupon all other boys of the class followed Him to a field where they ate berries. 

His teacher was surprised at the absence of all his students, inquired about it and went to the field where Shrimadji was sitting with His friends. 

Upon knowing the reason of absence of the students in his class, the teacher assured Shrimadji that he would never scold Him again and brought them back to the class.

He started composing poems at the age of eight and He supposed to have written five thousand stanzas in the first year. 

In His ninth year He composed Ramayana and Mahabharata in verse and at ten He was mature in His thinking and reasoning. 

At this age He had unique curiosity to know new things, a passion to hear new facts, to think new thoughts and to perform fine orations.

While He was eleven He started contributing articles to the newspapers and He won many prizes for writing competitive essays. 

One of His essays was on the need for women-education. At the age of twelve He composed three hundred stanzas on `a watch'. At thirteen He went to Rajkot to study English but about His English education very little is known.

Before His age of fifteen He studied and mastered many subjects. He became famous as a young poet of astounding memory and with brilliant prospects.

Once Shrimadji, at the age of ten, accompanied Shri Dharshibhai, a judge of Morbi state, from Morbi to Rajkot. 

During the journey Dharshibhai was much impressed by the unusual talents of Raichand, a boy of ten, and by way of admiration Dharshibhai suggested that Raichand should stay with him in Rajkot. 

But Shrimadji preferred staying at His maternal uncles' house but He promised to meet Dharshibhai often during His stay in Rajkot.

His maternal uncles came to know from Him about the arrival of Dharshibhai in Rajkot; and while Shrimadji was taking lunch there they were loudly planning to kill Dharshibhai. 

Shrimadji heard this and lost no time to warn Dharshibhai about the criminal intentions of his maternal uncles. 

This is how this boy of ten, returned the obligation to Dharshibhai.

Shrimadji by his mystic powers of clairvoyance and telepathy, mind reading, etc. learnt that two persons from Kutch were on their way to Rajkot to meet Him. So He requested Dharshibhai to allow these two guests to stay with Him and Dharshibhai readily agreed to do so. 

Thereupon Shrimadji went to receive the two guests and welcomed them by their names. 

When the guests asked Him as to how He knew their names and about their coming to meet Him, He replied that all this was possible by the infinite powers of the soul.

These two guests, named Hemrajbhai and Malsibhai, having heard of the exceptional talents of Raichandbhai, had come to persuade the latter to go to Kashi for higher education but when they came to know of the wonderful spiritual powers possessed by Raichandbhai, they dropped their idea. 

Dharshibhai was much impressed by this incident and gradually he began to respect Shrimadji.

For His return journey to Vavania He had no money, so He sold the sweets He was given by his maternal uncles and with the proceeds thereof He returned to Vavania. 

This shows His firm determination not to beg of anyone for His personal benefit. 

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