Wednesday 25 May 2011

"Go On Obeying His Commands..."

Letter No. 76

Mumbai, Aswin Vadi 10, Samvat Year 1945

"Seek not anything else finding only a Sat-Purusha(Divine Personage) and surrendering all bhavas(Inner Thinking) before His lotus life feet go on obeying his commands. 

After doing this if you do not obtain liberation, come take it from me.

Sat-Purusha is He who has pure conviction of soul each moment of night and day, whose utterance is such as though not found in the scriptures or heard of before yet which can be experienced, and whose conduct with no inner desire is comprehensible. 

The rest about Him is beyond words for expression.

Without doing this there is no escape for you at any time. 

Consider these words of experience as honest and upright.

If one span of human life be devoted to a Sat-Purusha, in praising all His wishes and in believing them as all truth, you will positively be liberated within a maximum of 15 rebirths."

Raichand's Pranam

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