Saturday 28 May 2011

"He Understood The Science Of Life..."

Shrimadji looked upon His Guide, Lord Mahavir and all other Great Saints not merely as learned individuals but as "Tatva" (a philosophy) to achieve 'Vairagya' (Detachment) and a medium for 'Unconditional Surrender' which eventually draws one to oneself and closer to God! 

While on one hand, Shrimadji says that He is the student of entire world and each Soul is His Guru, on the other hand He also says that I am not different from the All-Knower (Emancipated Soul) and see no difference in Him and Me! 

Thus Shrimadji signifies the thin line of difference between Ego and Self-Confidence (Realisation)!. 

His said 'Vachan' encourage and inspire to progress in the spiritual path, else how does one justify the perseverance if the Goal is not achievable!

Shrimad Rajchandraji's teachings explain 'Dev' (Lord), 'Guru' (Master) and 'Dharma' (Religion) as "Tatva" (a philosophy) and do not drive or point towards any particular individual, community or religion! 

He understood the Science of Life - 'Karma theory' in totality and experienced it every moment, freeing himself from bondages, getting lighter and lighter and rising spiritually every moment!

Amongst His wide literature, His best is captured in the 900 letters that He wrote to friends, relatives and aspirants who approached Him for spiritual progress.

A rare phenomenon that simple communication of day-to-day-life, written in a very 'sahaj' natural and simple manner contains the Ultimate Secrets in total Depth! "Knowledge is Experience"; is best understood in His 'Vachanamrut' and 'Conduct'!

The Attainment of Happiness, Bliss and Peace should be such that it becomes the cause of contentment for others and this is truly seen and experienced from the life history of Shrimad Rajchandraji, who today, even after 105 years of His departure is present and always available to all the true and genuine aspirants on the path of 'Aatma Gyan' (Self-Realisation)!

Shrimad Rajchandraji's life-history preaches that "Knowledge is equivalent to Love" - Love for mankind and all living beings backed by a feeling of neutrality and unbiased outlook, leading to permanent Victory over Death! 

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