Saturday 5 November 2011

"The Soul Has Remained Intoxicated With The Drink Of Delusion..."

"Lord Tirthankar states that to talk adversely about the enlightened or to feel glorified about that is the cause of extending the worldly life infinitely. 

The lord states that to adore the attributes of the enlightened, to feel glorified by such events, and to behave straightforwardly and vigilantly as per his commands lead to destruction of the infinite worldly life. 

Jain scriptures contain these words. 

Many people might be hearing those words. 

Very few are, however, seen, who might have rendered the first sentence fruitless and the second fruitful. 

On infinite occasions the worldly soul has fructified the first and rendered the second useless. 

One does not take time in coming within the clutches of that mode, because the soul has remained intoxicated with the drink of delusion. 

As such, it is necessary to repeatedly think over and to prevail under the circumstances concerned as per above-mentioned second mode with all possible vigour. (397)

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