Sunday 4 September 2011

"You Should Not Perform Penance Merely For The Sake Of Show..."

Shri lalluji Maharaj would visit Shrimadji daily and spend some time, when Shrimadji came to khambhat for the first time.

Once in the course of their conversation, Shri Lalluji Maharaj said, 'I have been fasting every alternate day for the last five years and have been devoting my time to meditation. Yet, I am unable to observe strict celibacy, bramacharya, on the mental plane.'

Shrimadji said, 'You should not do any of these things merely for the sake of appearances. 

You should not perform penance merely for the sake of show. 

The main thing is to eat meagerly so as to shed all craving for delicacies and keep yourself only half-fed. 

If there is a fine dish on your plate, pass it on to someone else.'

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