Saturday 3 September 2011

"Pursuing The Path Of True Devotion..."

On one occasion, when Shrimadji was on a visit to Kavitha, one shri Pragjibhai, put this question to Shrimadji at the end of a discourse at Zaversheth's place. 

Pragjibhai asked, 'For sure, there is in us a strong urge to pursue the path of devotion, of bhakti. But there is this belly of ours which asks to be filled, and which again is given by God Himself. So there is little that we can do about it, for we are helpless.'

At this, Shrimadji asked, 'Suppose we provide the right reply to your belly?' and turned to Zaversheth and made this recommendation to him, 'Please give him the same plateful of food you usually take yourself, twice a day, and keep him well-supplied with a pot of drinking water. 

In return, he shall confine himself to the upper storey of this upashrey, monastery, and spend all his time in religious devotion, to bhakti. 

He has to abide by this condition, though; he is not even so much to peep outside no matter what the temptation, whether it be a wedding party singing on its way. 

He shall not indulge in small talk or any worldly gossip. If some spiritually-minded soul turns up, he can engage in talk on devotional matters. but otherwise he is to refrain from talking of any worldly matters and nor is he to listen to anyone talking in that vein.'

On hearing these words, Pragjibhai immediately protested, saying, 'No, I am sorry, I cannot carry this out, no.'

Shrimadji now said, 'So the truth is out. 

This soul is not inclined to follow the path of devotion and so puts all the blame, on the belly. 

Was there ever a man who died of starvation in pursuing the path of true devotion? 

You see, this is the trap in which a worldly soul is often caught.'

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