Thursday 21 April 2011

"Raichandbhai Was Heading Towards Liberation With a Tremendous Speed..."

& Gandhiji Said...

"Shrimadji's living was simple. 

He was satisfied with whatever food was offered to Him. 

He put on simple but clean clothes. He used to wear Dhoti, Peharan, Khesa and a turban. 

He used to sit on a Gaadi on the floor in His shop or at home.

Shrimadji was slow in His walk and He used to think while walking. 

There was a spark in His eyes, they were full of luster and steadiness. They declared the single-mindedness of His purpose. 

His face was round, His lips thin, nose not pointed nor flat, body single, height average, colour darkish white and general appearance that of an Idol In Peace. 

His tone was so sweet that one would love to hear Him more and more. 

His face was smiling and in full bloom and joy. It clearly declared the internal joy and peace. 

His language was so effective and measured that He was never found to be searching for words. Language was His maidservant. He was described by some as an incarnation of the Goddess of Learning, Saraswati. He never changed a word while writing a letter. He expressed His thoughts and meditations in fine and appropriate language.

This description befits only a self-controlled person. By renunciation the external forms one cannot be self-controlled. The real self-control is not an imposition, it is an inspiration and an internal illumination.

Complete non-attachment and renunciation is the gift of the soul. It should be spontaneous and from within and not sporadic or externally imposed. Very rare souls by virtue of their high spiritual attainments in their previous births possess these qualities in them. Only those , who actively try to keep away from all attachments from them, know how difficult it is to attain. 

Such a difficult achievement was easily found in Shri Raichandbhai. 

The first step to Self-realization is a cultivation of a spirit of complete non-attachment and it was natural in Raichandbhai.

People normally believe that truth-telling and successful business never go together. Shri Raichandbhai on the other hand firmly believed and advised that truth and honesty were not only useful but essential to all good business. Morality is not packed within a prayer book, it is to be practiced and lived in all stations of life. Religion and morality sustain both good life and good business. 

Though Raichandbhai never played tricks with others, He used to find them out quite easily when they were played by others, and He used to snub the persons using the tricks and force them to leave them.

While we are worldly souls, Shrimadji was quite other worldly or liberated from the worldly life. 

While we may have to take many further births, for Raichandbhai His present life may be the last. 

While we perhaps are running away from liberation, Raichandbhai was heading towards liberation with a tremendous speed. 

This speaks volume of Raichandbhai's self-effort.

Whoever will read his teachings and follow them may speed up his march to Self-liberation. 

From this is evident that Raichandbhai has written for the advanced and the initiate in religion and not for all and sundry.

While many Christian Missionary friends considered their religious duty to convert me to Christianity on the ground of its wonderful vows of charity, chastity, faith and hope, I made up my mind that I should first find out whether the religion of my birth namely Hinduism, gave me the message that I needed,
and I asked a few fundamental questions on Hinduism to Shri Raichandbhai by post and His replies were so logical, so appealing and convincing that I regained my faith in Hinduism and I was saved from conversion of religion. 

From that moment onwards, my respect and admiration for Raichandbhai increased with leaps & bounds and I considered Him to be my religious guide till he lived." 

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