Tuesday 20 December 2011

"Follow His Guidance And Profit By His Preaching..."

The article published by 'pioneer' at the time of His passing away gives some idea of Shrimadji's life, which can be seen from the following extracts. 

"At the age of twenty He completely disappeared from the public gaze. 

He determined to use His powers and abilities for the instruction and enlightenment of His community and the people at large. 

From His very early age He was a voracious reader. 

He studied the six schools of religions (Shatdarshan) and other systems of Oriental and western philosophy. 

Strange though it may seem, it was a fact that a book was required to be read only once in order to be digested, and without any regular study of Sanskrit and Prakrit, He could accurately understand works in those languages and explain them to others, as only learned scholars could be expected to do." 

"Shrimadji now began to inculcate His taste for knowledge in others and soon attracted a large number of disciples, whom He guided to the proper study of jain philosophy. 

He found that the Acharyas (religious teachers) of the time held narrow and sectarian views and did not appreciate the change of the times." 

"Again, those who renounced the world were generally lacking in some of the good things of the world, and had some reason or other to be dissatisfied with their slot in the world. 

Such men could not impress their congregations by their examples. He believed that if a man of wealth, social position, renounced the world, He could work real good by his example; convinced of His sincerity and disinterestedness, the people would more readily follow His guidance and profit by His preaching. 

Holding such views, He had believed that He had not sufficiently qualified himself to appear before the public as an ascetic and a spiritual guide, and He continued steadily a man of the world, though His inclinations were all the other way." 

Friday 16 December 2011

"You Have The Enlightened In Front Of You And Still You Are Not Awake..."

In the evening Shrimadji used to go for a walk and to come back at about 10 pm. 

At times Motilal also used to accompany him. 

While walking accordingly Shrimadji once told him, "Why are you indulging in indolence? The right path is now strewn with thorns; our soul knows how much effort had to be made to remove those thorns. 

Had there been an enlightened being, we would have pursued him; you have the enlightened in front of you and still you are not awake. 

Remove the indolence and get awake. 

When I had been the last pupil of Lord Mahavir, I had indulged in slight indolence and as a result I had to take all these births. 

The worldly souls, however, do not worry at all even while living with too much indolence. 

It is very hard for them to recognize the enlightened being in front of them..."

Wednesday 14 December 2011

"He Continually Tried To Remain Unknown..."

The life sketch of Shrimadji published by 'pioneer' states as under.

"When He was twenty-one, He took to business and in a very short period He gained the credit of being a capable jeweller. 

The cares of flourishing business, however, did not keep Him away from the philosophical study, which was at His heart. 

While remaining in business He was quietly increasing His treasure of knowledge. 

He always stayed in the midst of books. 

Moreover, for a few months in a year He used to go out of Bombay instructing His firm that no one should correspond with Him unless He wrote for that. 

He used to resort to solitary life in the forests of Gujarat and spend days and weeks in contemplation and meditation. 

He continually tried to remain unknown so that no one would identify Him or the place of His resort. 

Still He was frequently identified and large number of people used to follow Him with eagerness to listen His teachings."